Our CFO Program allows you to access the knowledge and expertise of an external or virtual CFO when you need to. This program provides you with specialised financial management advice and support to build an industry benchmark performing business in a way that is tailored to suit your budget.
The Program supports you on the critical financial elements of running a successful business including growing sales, managing key operating costs and improving profit and cash flow.
The key outcome is to provide you with accurate financial information and reports in a timely and affordable way, so you can focus on growing your business.
We offer flexible pricing models so you choose and pay for the agreed time and service options.
Create customised reports that tell you how your business is truely performing – the good, the bad and the ugly
Ensure your business in operating within its means by preparing and regularly monitoring annual Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Budgets and Forecasts.
Pin point your business strengths and weaknesses by using industry benchmarking information. The CFO uses KPI ratio analysis to identify your best opportunities for business improvement.
You decide how the CFO interacts with you and your team. We combine face to face meetings, webinars & conference calls to discuss:
Profit & Loss and Cash Flow variances;
Benchmarking and KPIs results;
Implementing improvement strategies and action plans.
If needed, we can call upon other experts for specialist advice in human resources, IT, marketing, legal or other areas.
The CFO can support you to develop and then implement a formal Action Plan that makes your team accountable for delivery
Our CFO Program can give you peace of mind that you have the right information to make informed decisions about your business. Talk to us about the right package for you and your budget.